/ Events /

【 24/04/07 】Reading Group "ART SINCE 1900": 1926|エリ・リシツキイとシュヴィッタース
【 24/03/24 】Reading Group: ロバート・スミッソン「フレデリック・ロー・オルムステッドと弁証法的風景」
【 24/03/10 】Reading Group "ART SINCE 1900": 1927a|マグリットがシュルレアリスム運動に参加
【 24/02/24 】Reading Group: T・J ディーモス「人新世にようこそ!」
【 24/02/10 】Reading Group "ART SINCE 1900": 1927b|ブランクーシ
【 24/02/08-09 】持田敦子『解体』映像記録 上映会
【 24/01/27 】Reading Group: ヒト・シュタイエル「デューティーフリー・アート」
【 24/01/13 】Reading Group "ART SINCE 1900": 1927c|初期米国モダニズム
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【 24/12/09 】Reading Group "ART SINCE 1900": 1928a|国際構成主義
【 24/11/25 】Reading Group: ダニエル・ルービンシュタイン「写真による経験の殺戮」
【 24/11/11 】Reading Group "ART SINCE 1900": 1928b|モダニズムのタイポグラフィ

translations / On War #5

translations / 戦争について #5

1: あなたにとっての戦争のイメージとは?
2: あなたにとっての戦争を考える経験とは何か?
3: 戦争はアートにどのような影響を与えているのか?
4: 戦争を別の言葉で言い換えてみるとどうなるか?
5: 戦争はどこで起こっていて、なにがそれを引き起こすのか?
6: 戦争はいつ終わるのか?
7: 戦争がなかったらどういう世界があると思いますか?
8: 戦争について話し合うことはどういうことなのか?

日時:2013年4月25日(木)19:30~22:00 ※開場は19:00
場所:BankART Studio NYK 1F / BankART Mini(横浜市中区海岸通3-9)[地図
定員:30人(予約制) 参加費:1,200円/1,000円(学生)

Chi Wo Leung a.k.a. Warren Leung|チ・ウォ・レン(ウォレン・ルン)
João Vasco Paiva|ジョアオ・バスコ・パイヴァ
Sara Wong|サラ・ウォン
小林晴夫|Haruo Kobayashi
1968年神奈川県生まれ。1992年よりBゼミ(現代美術の学習システム)の運営に参加。2001年所長に就任、2004年の休業までBゼミの運営をする。2009年元Bゼミの場所でblanClassを創立、芸術を発信する場として活動をはじめる。現在、土曜日の夜に「blanClass+night(現 Live ART)」というワンナイトショーと公開インタビューを企画運営、ほぼ毎回その模様をWEBにて生放送している。作家活動は個展に「Planning of Dance」(2000・ギャラリー手・東京)、「雪 - snow」(2001・ガレリエsol・東京)。グループ展に「SAPアートイング東京2001」(2001・セゾンアートプログラム・東京)、パフォーマンスに「小林 晴夫 & blanClass performers [Traffic on the table]」(2011・新・港村blanClassブース・神奈川)などがある。編著に「market by market 12 - スカイホーク特集」(1997・マーケット発行)、「Bゼミ -[新しい表現の学習]の歴史」(2005・BankART1929発行)がある。また2009年「原口典之 社会と物質」(芸術批評誌 REAR no.22)を執筆。
ユミソン|Yumi Song
長谷川仁美|Hitomi Hasegawa

translations / On War #5
Discussion with Warren Leung (artist) , João Vasco Paiva (artist) , Sara Wong (Landscape designer, artist, educator), Haruo Kobayashi (director of blanClass and artist) , Yumi Song (artist) and Hitomi Hasegawa (Founding director of MIACA and curator)

1: As for you, what is image of war?
2: What is the experience of thinking war for you?
3: What kind of impact does war have on art?
4: If you reword war in a different way, what do you translate?
5: Where does war happen, and what is the cause of "war"?
6: When does war finish?
7: If there were no war in the world, what do you think how world there are?
8: What is talking about war?

Date and Time: Tuesday, 25 April, 2013, 19:30~22:00 (doors open at 19:00)
Venue : BankART Studio NYK 1F / BankART Mini (3-9 Kaigandori, Naka-ku, Yokohama City, Kanagawa) [Map]
Admission: JPY1200 / JPY800 for Students (Booking required)
Language: English and Japanese (English-Japanese interpretation: Miho Tajima, kaori Yoshizaki)

Chi Wo Leung a.k.a. Warren Leung
Born in 1968, lives and works in Hong Kong. Leung is an artist and the Associate professor in City University in Hong Kong. He has been exhibiting internationally since 2000, Group shows include; Venice Biennial, Guangzhou Triennial, Kwanju Biennial, and he had shown in Museu da Imagem e do Som, São Paulo, quartier21/Museums Quartier, Vienna. He stayed in Sapporo as a resident artist, and was a panel of discussion at the Yokohama Triennial.
His multi-disciplinary artistic practice ranges from photography and video to text, project-based and sound installation, focusing on the relationship between anticipation, perception and understanding in communication, mostly in an urban context.

João Vasco Paiva
João Vasco Paiva, (b.1979) lives and works in Hong Kong. João graduated from School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong. In 2006 he was awarded with a 2 year Scholarship from Fundação Oriente, moving to Hong Kong where he curently lives.
With a background in painting and advanced training in media techniques, his work is characterized by the appropriation of observed phenomena, mapping apparently random situations and presenting them in an aesthetically organized framework through video, audiovisual performance, recording, and installation. His works have exhibited in Saatchi Gallery London, ParaSite, Hong Kong, Sharjah Art Foundation, Sharjah, Independent Curatos International, New York.

Sara Wong
Lives and works in Hong Kong. Landscape designer, artist, educator. Wong started career of artist together with Chi Wo Leung, participated many international exhibitions. She is a founder of Para/Site Art Center.

Haruo Kobayashi

Yumi Song
Yumi Song is a contemporary artist, director of TUTIYU ARAFUDO ART ANNUAL 2013 (Fukushima, Japan) , autodidact, Virgo who lives with her cat, Kobushi. She makes installations and other language-based works. "Unlike how artists or architects may draw a complete plan of the tower of Babel, I cannot instruct on what is the future of our ideal, or to change where people are heading by drawing. However, if each one of us can recognize ourselves, even if the vector of one's foot can move slightly, then, there'll be a big change in the word ahead. I believe Art and Architecture can contribute this small, yet important accomplishment to the world."

Hitomi Hasegawa
Founding director of MIACA, curator, researcher. Lives and works in Hong Kong. PhD candidate at City University in Hong Kong, Recipient of the Student Scholarship. Asia Art Archive guest researcher in 2010-2011. Managing director of Rakkaus Company Limited.