/ Events /

【 24/04/07 】Reading Group "ART SINCE 1900": 1926|エリ・リシツキイとシュヴィッタース
【 24/03/24 】Reading Group: ロバート・スミッソン「フレデリック・ロー・オルムステッドと弁証法的風景」
【 24/03/10 】Reading Group "ART SINCE 1900": 1927a|マグリットがシュルレアリスム運動に参加
【 24/02/24 】Reading Group: T・J ディーモス「人新世にようこそ!」
【 24/02/10 】Reading Group "ART SINCE 1900": 1927b|ブランクーシ
【 24/02/08-09 】持田敦子『解体』映像記録 上映会
【 24/01/27 】Reading Group: ヒト・シュタイエル「デューティーフリー・アート」
【 24/01/13 】Reading Group "ART SINCE 1900": 1927c|初期米国モダニズム
【 24/12/23 】Reading Group: グラント・ケスター「露わにされた技法 : 今日の美術批評のいくつかの限界について」
【 24/12/09 】Reading Group "ART SINCE 1900": 1928a|国際構成主義
【 24/11/25 】Reading Group: ダニエル・ルービンシュタイン「写真による経験の殺戮」
【 24/11/11 】Reading Group "ART SINCE 1900": 1928b|モダニズムのタイポグラフィ


ナショナリズムと芸術生産 シリーズ第5回




日時:2010年10月23日(土)18:00〜20:00 ※受付開始は17:30
定員:20人(予約制) 参加費:1,000円(1ドリンク付)

定員を超えましたので、予約受付は終了しました。ありがとうございます。(10/23 13:56)

【 プロフィール 】
オリヴィエ・クリシャー|Olivier Krischer
美術史家。筑波大学芸術学系助教として美術教育に関わる一方で、美術雑誌「アート・アジア・パシフィック」、「ジャパンタイムス」、「東京アートビート」 等に、中国と日本の現代美術批評やエッセイを定期的に寄稿している。最近の主な研究は、中国の現代写真と、20世紀初期の日本と中国の美術における関係について。
崔敬華|Che Kyongfa
キュレーター。Artist Pension Trust Beijing 共同ディレクター。2001年ロンドン大学ゴールドスミスカレッジ美術史論修士課程修了、2006年ルンド大学マルモ・アート・アカデミー、批評学修了。主な展覧会企画は、「OK Video Festival」(2005/ジャカルタ)、「Mindscapes」(2006/東京)、「Recycled」(2008/オスロ)、「The Demon of Comparisons」(2009/アムステルダム)、「Fog Dossier」(2010/ソウル)。



Talk & Discussion Series:
Nationalism and Artistic Production

"Nationalism and Artistic Production" is a series of five talks organized by CAMP with invited curators, artists and thinkers. This is not only an attempt to look at different phenomena of nationalism in Japan - including xenophobia and exclusive nationalism - and various cultural production that enunciates, represents or challenges nationalism. It also aims to contemplate, through discussion, on participants' own sense of nationalism and views on community, identity, and otherness. In order for that, the talk series will explore and analyze what a nation is and how we as subjects relate to a nation, and further reflect on the potential in which artistic production can critically engage with nationalism formed by various kinds of power.

The Ecology of Japanese Contemporary Art
18:00 - 20:00 Saturday, 23 October 2010

[ Speaker ]
Olivier Krischer (Art historian)
[ Moderator ]
Che Kyongfa (curator)

Venue: roji to hito (Map)
Language: Japanese
Admission: 1,000yen (with 1 drink)
Capacity: 20 (Booking Required)

[ Outline ]
Is there an authentic subject in contemporary Japanese art, beyond the national image? Do artists and curators confront this question, or circumnavigate it?
Taking the form of an introduction to open discussion, this talk will reference recent exhibitions that aim to represent contemporary Japanese art "now", such as Micropop, Artist File, Roppongi Crossing and the MOT Annual. Is there a gap between the theories of curators and institutions, and artistic practice itself? Does this distort the development of artistic practice? Moreover, what are we really sacrificing by doing so?

[ Biography ]
Olivier Krischer
Art historian; currently assistant professor in art and design at the University of Tsukuba. His reviews and essays on contemporary art in China and Japan have appeared in ArtAsiaPacific, The Japan Times, Tokyo Art Beat, etc. His recent research includes contemporary Chinese photomedia, as well as Sino-Japanese relations through art in the early twentieth century.
Che Kyongfa
Che Kyongfa is an independent curator based in Tokyo. Her curatorial projects include "Fog Dossier" (2010, Seoul), a collaborative project with the artist Jeuno Kim; a two-year project called "Electric Palm Tree" (2009, Amsterdam & Jakarta), co-curated with Binna Choi and Cosmin Costinas; "Recycled" (2008, Oslo) an exhibition by Oslo-based artist unit Danger Museum; and "OK Video Festival" (2005, Jakarta) co-curated with Jakarta-based artists' initiative Ruangrupa. She also organizes workshops, lectures, and discussions.