translations / On War #4

translations / 戦争について #4

1: あなたにとっての戦争のイメージとは?
2: あなたにとっての戦争を考える経験とは何か?
3: 戦争はアートにどのような影響を与えているのか?
4: 戦争を別の言葉で言い換えてみるとどうなるか?
5: 戦争はどこで起こっていて、なにがそれを引き起こすのか?
6: 戦争はいつ終わるのか?
7: 戦争がなかったらどういう世界があると思いますか?
8: 戦争について話し合うことはどういうことなのか?

日時:2013年3月28日(木)20:00~22:00 ※開場は19:30
定員:30人(予約制) 参加費:1,200円/1,000円(学生)

日時:2013年3月28日(木)19:00~21:00 ※開場は18:30
場所:TCAC(10666 台北市大安區安東街19-1號)[地図

1983年生まれ。2006年國立台灣藝術大學卒業、2008年から台南藝術大學造形研究所。主な展示に「真真-當代超常經驗展(TRUE ILLUSION, ILLUSORY TRUTH)」(台北市立美術館、台北、2013)、「安全區」(鳳甲美術館、台北、2012)、「Parts and Whole - Today’s Perspectives in Art from East Asia」(Hiromiyoshii、東京、2011)、「渾變-台日交流展」(關渡美術館、台北、2011)他多数。
1986年生まれ。2011年國立台北藝術大學卒業。個展に「蒼蠅疤:一萬個存在」(2011、非常廟藝文空間(VT Art Salon)、台北)。主な展示に、「綠盒子:重繪形貌-媒體現實的空間(GREENBOX: REMAPPING – THE SPACE OF MEDIA REALITY)」(天鴻美和院文化藝術發展中心、杭州、2013)、「第九屆釜山國際錄像藝術節(9th Busan International video festival)」(Openspace Bae、釜山、2012)、「心動EMU(Crush on EMU)」(台北當代藝術館、台北、2012)、「渾變-台日交流展」(關渡美術館、台北、2011)他多数。
1985年生まれ。2012年國立台北藝術大學卒業。インディペンデントキュレーター。主な活動に「Transparent Refraction」(tamtamArt、ベルリン、2011)、「Living in an Out-Of-Place」(鳳甲美術館、台北、2011)、「Taipei Discomfort's Calling」(House of Arts、ブルノ、2011)、「Little Voices」(台北、2010)。主な著書に『田, Field, Policko』(共著)、オンラインマガジン「GAZE」(がある。
佐々瞬|Shun Sasa
1986年宮城県生まれ、東京都在住。音、構造物、テクストなどがあわさる多層的な表現により、フィクションと現実、異なる時空を交差させ、「現在」を複数の豊かな可能性の中に開く。近年は、展示とパフォーマンスを組み合わせた活動も行う。主な参加展覧会に、「No Man’s Land」(在日フランス大使館、東京、2009年)、「大邱フォトビエンナーレ2012 Dance on a Thin Line」(大邱芸術発展所、韓国、2012年)、「MOTアニュアル2012」(東京都現代美術館、2012年)など。
藤井光|Hikaru Fujii
後藤桜子|Oko Goto
1986年生まれ。ゴールドスミスBAファインアート学科(Studio Practice and Contemporary Critical Studies)卒業。2009年から都内G/P+g3/ gallery、art beat publishers勤務。主な活動に、「Otto Ou solo exhibition」(jubilee Gallery、名古屋、2011)、「Urbania Collective: GSK Contemporary」(The Royal Academy of Arts、ロンドン、2008)、『Invisible Man / Paper』(Vol.1 - 3)の発行など。

translations / On War #4
On National Service : Chang Li-ren (Artist), Wu Chi-Yu (Artist), Zoe Yeh (curator), Shun Sasa (Artist), Hikaru Fujii (Artist / Film director), Oko Goto (Artist)

1: As for you, what is image of war?
2: What is the experience of thinking war for you?
3: What kind of impact does war have on art?
4: If you reword war in a different way, what do you translate?
5: Where does war happen, and what is the cause of "war"?
6: When does war finish?
7: If there were no war in the world, what do you think how world there are?
8: What is talking about war?

[ Yokohama ]
Date and Time: Tuesday, 28 March, 2013, 20:00~22:00 (doors open at 19:30)
Venue : blanClass (4-12-16 Minamiota, Minami-ku, Yokohama City, Kanagawa) [Map]
Admission: JPY1200 / JPY1000 for Students (Booking required)
Language: English, Chinese, Japanese

[ Taipei ]
Date and Time: Tuesday, 28 March, 2013, 19:00~21:00 (doors open at 18:30)
Venue : TCAC (No.19-1, Andong St., Da’an Dist., 10666 Taipei) [Map]
Language: English, Chinese, Japanese

Chang Li-Ren
Born in 1983. Graduated from National Taiwan University of Arts and research student at National Tainan University of the Arts since 2008. He has participated in exhibitions such as 'TRUE ILLUSION, ILLUSORY TRUTH' (2013, Taipei MOCA, Taipei), 'Safe Zone for Artists chang' (2012, Hong-gah Museum, Taipei), 'Parts and Whole - Today’s Perspectives in Art from East Asia' (Hiromiyoshii, Tokyo, 2011), 'Trans-plex Weaving Platform'(2011, Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, Taiwan) among others.

Wu Chi-Yu
Born in 1986. Graduated from National Taipei University of Arts in 2011. He had his solo exhibition 'Flies 8 : The Ten Thousand Beings' (2011, VT Art salon, Taipei). His work was also included in many group exhibition include 'GREENBOX: REMAPPING – THE SPACE OF MEDIA REALITY' (2013, Tianhong Mei Heyuan Arts Center, Hangzhou), '9th Busan International video festival' (2012, Busan), 'Crush on EMU' (2012, MOCA Taipei, Taipei), 'Trans-plex Weaving Platform'(2011, Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, Taiwan) among others.

Zoe Yeh
Born in 1985. Graduated from National Taipei University of Arts in 2012. Independent curator. Hear major curatorial work includes 'Transparent Refraction' (2011, tamtamArt, Berlin), 'Living in an Out-Of-Place' (2011, Hong-gah Museum, Taipei), 'Discomfort's Calling' (2011, House of Arts, Brno), 'Little Voices' (2010, Taipei). She has co-authored a book '田, Field, Policko' and works as a co-editor and writer for on-line magazine'GAZE'.

Shun Sasa
Born in 1986 in Miyagi, Japan. Based in Tokyo. Graduated with BA in Fine Art from Tokyo Zokei University. Sasa utilizes complex layers of sound, structure, and text in his installation work to create a site where audience can feel and be a part of a world of overlapping fiction, reality, and distinct space-time, creating fictitious moments that may come true in the future. His major exhibitions include: Omnilogue:Your Voice is Mine, NUS Museum, National University of Singapore, Singapore, 2013; MOT Annual 2012, Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo, 2012; Daegu Photo Biennale 2012: Dance on a Thin Line, Daegu Art Factory, 2012; No Man’s Land, Ambassade de France au Japon, Tokyo, 2009.

Hikaru Fujii
Artist / Film director. 
Born in Tokyo, Japan in 1976. He studied at ENSAD and obtained DEA (Athletic, Sciences and Technology of the Arts) from Universite de Paris 8. From 2005, he works with the visual media to intuitively deal with the social and political situation in Japan. And also he holds the image making workshop on the concept of "the media as stationary", and tries to democratize a visual media. His recent main activities are "Artists and the Disaster / Documentation in progress" at Art Tower Mito in 2012; "Create my own media" at YCAM (Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media) in 2010-2011; "Now, what is the barrier?" at Sendai Mediatheque in 2010, and "Reflection/ 'another world' in the image" at Art Tower Mito in 2010. Since the disaster of 3.11, he starts shooting at the stricken area on the theme of the relationship between 3.11 and the art, and making a work as "3.11 Art Documentation", "PROJECT FUKUSHIMA!" and "Record of Coastal Landscape".

Oko Goto
Born in 1986. Graduated with BA in Fine Art from Goldsmiths COllege (Studio Practice and Contemporary Critical Studies). Working at G/P+g3/ gallery and art beat publishers since 2009. Her independent projects include 'Otto Ou solo exhibition' (jubilee Gallery, Nagoya, 2011), 'Urbania Collective: GSK Contemporary' (The Royal Academy of Arts, London, 2008) and publication Invisible Man / Paper (Vol.1 - 3).




アーティストとして「兵役」を考える/個人として「兵役」を考える → 「アーティストとして」「何者かとして」発言すること(の違和感)
・ドイツには「良心による兵役拒否権」(補足:英語では「Conscientious objection」。この権利を主張することにより、兵役と社会福祉を考えるにあたりモデルケースになりうるのでは)良心的兵役拒否
④ 人生の中の一定の時間をとられる/義務を課せられることでアイデンティティを決められる
⑤ 技術としての徴兵/国が制定する義務
⑧「兵役」に行く/行った精神 → 人間形成に関わる
⑩ 戦争画家