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【 24/04/07 】Reading Group "ART SINCE 1900": 1926|エリ・リシツキイとシュヴィッタース
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【 24/03/10 】Reading Group "ART SINCE 1900": 1927a|マグリットがシュルレアリスム運動に参加
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【 24/02/10 】Reading Group "ART SINCE 1900": 1927b|ブランクーシ
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【 24/01/13 】Reading Group "ART SINCE 1900": 1927c|初期米国モダニズム
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【 24/12/09 】Reading Group "ART SINCE 1900": 1928a|国際構成主義
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【 24/11/11 】Reading Group "ART SINCE 1900": 1928b|モダニズムのタイポグラフィ

translations / On War #1

translations / 戦争について #1
Okin Collective(アーティストグループ)、粟田大輔(美術批評)、小林晴夫(blanClassディレクター/アーティスト)、水田紗弥子(キュレーター)

1: あなたにとっての戦争のイメージとは?
2: あなたにとっての戦争を考える経験とは何か?
3: 戦争はアートにどのような影響を与えているのか?
4: 戦争を別の言葉で言い換えてみるとどうなるか?
5: 戦争はどこで起こっていて、なにがそれを引き起こすのか?
6: 戦争はいつ終わるのか?
7: 戦争がなかったらどういう世界があると思いますか?
8: 戦争について話し合うことはどういうことなのか?

日時:2012年11月8日(木)20:00~22:00 ※開場は19:00
参加費:1,200円/1,000円(学生) ※予約不要
言語:韓国語、日本語(日韓逐次通訳:李智希|Jihee Lee)

Okin Collective|オキン・コレクティヴ
Okin Collective is an artists' group, which consists of Hwayong Kim, Shiu Jin, Joungmin Yi, named after Okin Apartment complex in Jongno-gu, Seoul. In July 2009, a group of artists visited one of their colleagues who lived in the complex, which was set to be torn down soon. It was during this evictiion process that they began exploring the tragedy surrounding the other tenants' situation in the name of a redevelopment project, with traces of those who had already moved out from the complex still lingering. It was also a way of looking into how the historicity, speed, and avaricious urban planning taking place in Seoul and damaging people's lives. Thus, it was during this time when Okin Collective was formed.
In the midst of the city’s redevelopment project, no space is exempt from receiving "death sentences" out of the blue in the form of forced evictions and harassing situations. What Okin Collective considers most important is not raising pros and cons on the redevelopment project, or even the specific interests of the community members, but rather in broadening people's views and attitude about such incidents. Though the collective was started in one particular place, the activities of Okin Collective center on remembering multiple "Okin"s which continue to take place all around Seoul even after Okin Apartments was torn down. This can be accomplished by exploring your city, being kind to others, carrying out your own research, taking part in entertainment activities, and tenderly bringing together art and everyday life. As a result, Okin Collective is still pursuing these activities which they are very concerned about.
The group has had two solo exhibitions since its inception, including "Okin OPEN SITE" at Okin apartments, Seoul(2010) and "Concrete Island" at Takeout Drawing(2010). For group exhibitions, it has participated in "Random Access" at the NJP Art Center, Yongin(2010), "Public Discourse Sphere: Aftereffects of Neo-liberalism" at Alternative Space Loop, Seoul(2011), "The R-19 Performance Relay" at Alternative Space Loop, Seoul(2011), "Life, No Peace, Only Adventure" at Busan National Museum of Art, Busan(2011-2012), "The Forces Behind" at Doosan Gallery(2012) and more. The collective has run Okin Collective Internet radio station [STUDIO+82](http://okin.cc) since September 2010.
粟田大輔|Daisuke Awata
小林晴夫|Haruo Kobayashi
1968年神奈川県生まれ。1992年よりBゼミ(現代美術の学習システム)の運営に参加。2001年所長に就任、2004年の休業までBゼミの運営をする。2009年元Bゼミの場所でblanClassを創立、芸術を発信する場として活動をはじめる。現在、土曜日の夜に「blanClass+night(現 Live ART)」というワンナイトショーと公開インタビューを企画運営、ほぼ毎回その模様をWEBにて生放送している。作家活動は個展に「Planning of Dance」(2000・ギャラリー手・東京)、「雪 - snow」(2001・ガレリエsol・東京)。グループ展に「SAPアートイング東京2001」(2001・セゾンアートプログラム・東京)、パフォーマンスに「小林 晴夫 & blanClass performers [Traffic on the table]」(2011・新・港村blanClassブース・神奈川)などがある。編著に「market by market 12 - スカイホーク特集」(1997・マーケット発行)、「Bゼミ -[新しい表現の学習]の歴史」(2005・BankART1929発行)がある。また2009年「原口典之 社会と物質」(芸術批評誌 REAR no.22)を執筆。
水田紗弥子|Sayako Mizuta
1981年生まれ。武蔵野美術大学大学院芸術文化政策コース修了。若手アーティスト支援の仕事を経てインディペンデント・キュレーター。展覧会企画として、シリーズ企画展覧会「入る旅人 出る旅人」(2012)「皮膚と地図Ⅱ - 記憶と時間への近づき方」(新宿眼科画廊/2011)、「皮膚と地図 - 4名のアーティストによる身体と知覚への試み」(あいちトリエンナーレ入選企画/2010)、共同企画「柔らかな器」がある。韓国のGyeonggi Creation Centerにリサーチのため滞在。2012年6月-8月Tokyo Art BeatとART遊覧で展覧会レビューを寄稿。「comos-tv」の企画・運営にも関わる。

translations / On War #1
Discussion with Okin Collective (artists' group) , Daisuke Awata (critic) , Haruo Kobayashi (director blanClass and artist) and Sayako Mizuta (curator)

1: As for you, what is image of war?
2: What is the experience of thinking war for you?
3: What kind of impact does war have on art?
4: If you reword war in a different way, what do you translate?
5: Where does war happen, and what is the cause of "war"?
6: When does war finish?
7: If there were no war in the world, what do you think how world there are?
8: What is talking about war?

Date and Time: Tuesday, 8th November, 2012, 20:00~22:00 (doors open at 19:00)
Venue : blanClass (4-12-16 Minamiota, Minami-ku, Yokohama City, Kanagawa) [Map]
Admission: JPY1200 / JPY800 for Students (no reservation required)
Language: Korean and Japanese (Korean-Japanese interpretation: Jihee Lee)

Okin Collective | artists' group, Seoul
Okin Collective is an artists' group, which consists of Hwayong Kim, Shiu Jin, Joungmin Yi, named after Okin Apartment complex in Jongno-gu, Seoul. In July 2009, a group of artists visited one of their colleagues who lived in the complex, which was set to be torn down soon. It was during this evictiion process that they began exploring the tragedy surrounding the other tenants' situation in the name of a redevelopment project, with traces of those who had already moved out from the complex still lingering. It was also a way of looking into how the historicity, speed, and avaricious urban planning taking place in Seoul and damaging people's lives. Thus, it was during this time when Okin Collective was formed.
In the midst of the city’s redevelopment project, no space is exempt from receiving "death sentences" out of the blue in the form of forced evictions and harassing situations. What Okin Collective considers most important is not raising pros and cons on the redevelopment project, or even the specific interests of the community members, but rather in broadening people's views and attitude about such incidents. Though the collective was started in one particular place, the activities of Okin Collective center on remembering multiple "Okin"s which continue to take place all around Seoul even after Okin Apartments was torn down. This can be accomplished by exploring your city, being kind to others, carrying out your own research, taking part in entertainment activities, and tenderly bringing together art and everyday life. As a result, Okin Collective is still pursuing these activities which they are very concerned about.
The group has had two solo exhibitions since its inception, including "Okin OPEN SITE" at Okin apartments, Seoul(2010) and "Concrete Island" at Takeout Drawing(2010). For group exhibitions, it has participated in "Random Access" at the NJP Art Center, Yongin(2010), "Public Discourse Sphere: Aftereffects of Neo-liberalism" at Alternative Space Loop, Seoul(2011), "The R-19 Performance Relay" at Alternative Space Loop, Seoul(2011), "Life, No Peace, Only Adventure" at Busan National Museum of Art, Busan(2011-2012), "The Forces Behind" at Doosan Gallery(2012) and more. The collective has run Okin Collective Internet radio station [STUDIO+82](http://okin.cc) since September 2010.

Daisuke Awata | critic, Tokyo
Born in 1977. Art critic, Director of Internet broadcasting channel "comos-tv." His essays include "The System that is able to re-written" and "Post-consumer society and reproduction of Image." He organized exhibition of "vivid material(2008)" and "data and vision(2010)."

Haruo Kobayashi | director blanClass and artist, Yokohama

Sayako Mizuta | curator, Tokyo
Sayako Mizuta received a master’s degree in Arts Policy and Management in 2006 from Musashino Art University in Japan. Her areas of concentration includes art management, contemporary art theory and Japanese modern art history. From 2006 through 2008, she has worked as a chief assistant curator at Tokyo Wonder Site, an art center run by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government to promote and nurture new arts and culture. During her term of office in Tokyo Wonder Site, she was in charge of supporting emerging artists, organising exhibitions, and managing artists-in-residence program. While she was working of Tokyo Wonder Site for 2 years, she has been involved in more than 10 projects.
Since 2009, after finishing her services at Tokyo Wonder Site, she has been organizing exhibitions and art events, as well as writing exhibition reviews on a freelance. After being an independent curator, she has mainly focused on introducing emerging artists of her generation. In summer 2010, her exhibition proposal was accepted by the curatorial competition of the Aichi Triennale 2010, and international art festival hosted by Aichi prefecture in central Japan. The title of the exhibition was “Skin & Map: the study of body and sense by four artists” (2010). After winning the competition, she has curated the series of exhibitions, under the title of “Skin&MAP2: approaching memory and time" (2011), In addition, she also has curated the exhibition series, titled "Voyager in Voyager out vol.1-4"(2012).
Since February 2011, she initiated and hosted an Internet-based TV show with artists and criticis , called “comos-tv”, which mainly dealt with various issues relating to Japanese art museums and contemporary arts in Japan in the form of talk show among artists and art critics to provide deeper understandings of current art issues to the audience.
In 2012, she was selected as one of art critics for an artist/critic-in-residency program organized by Gyeonggi Creation Center in South Korea. She has stayed in South Korea for 3 months with the program, and published a booklet, titled “Voyager in Voyager out in Korea”. During her stay in South Korea, she has also participated in various activities, forums and seminars, hosted by art communities in South Korea including Litmus.