/ Events /

【 24/08/19 】Reading Group "ART SINCE 1900": 1930b|バタイユの造反するシュルレアリスム
【 24/08/05 】『流れの中で』読書会 #11<第9章|近代(モダニテイ)と同時代性――機械複製とデジタル複製> 
【 24/07/22 】Reading Group "ART SINCE 1900": 1931a|シュルレアリスムのオブジェ
【 24/07/08 】『流れの中で』読書会 #10<第8章|グローバル・コンセプチュアリズム再訪>
【 24/06/24 】Reading Group "ART SINCE 1900": 1931b|ヨーロッパ絵画と彫刻と「不定形」
【 24/06/10 】『流れの中で』読書会 #9<第7章|リアリズムについて>
【 24/05/27 】Reading Group "ART SINCE 1900": 1933|メキシコ壁画運動
【 24/05/13 】『流れの中で』読書会 #8<第6章|クレメント・グリーンバーグ――芸術のエンジニア>
【 24/04/29 】Reading Group "ART SINCE 1900": 1934a|ソヴィエト社会主義リアリズム
【 24/04/15 】『流れの中で』読書会 #7<第4章|革命的になること――カジミール・マレーヴィチについて>
【 24/04/01 】Reading Group "ART SINCE 1900": 1934b|イギリスの彫刻

Mondays: Venice 2015

Mondays: Venice 2015

"Mondays" is a series of events that aims to casually discuss topics related to contemporary art.
On this occasion, Yoi Kawakubo will give a report on the 56th Venice Biennale 2015.

19:30-22:30, Monday, 14 September, 2015
Studio Aufheben
6-24-8-1F, HigashiUeno, Taito-ku, Tokyo 110-0015, Japan [map]

Presenter: Yoi Kawakubo (artist)

Admission: 1,000yen (one drink included)
Language: English

Born in Toledo, Spain. At the age of 18 moved to Japan and Graduated from the University of Tsukuba BA in human sciences. After working in the finance industry in Tokyo for 3 years, began creating artworks. He has produced works regarding the universality of the landscape, the metaphysicality of the photographic act and installation and sound works dealing with chance and meta-cognition as the subject or media. Since 2012 he has also carried out activities related to nuclear issues and Tsunami affected areas of the Japanese Northeast.